Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Transition - a grandfather's perspective

The loss associated with Ben's passing is still acute, but I find my mind is going through a period of transition, from where grief was a burden, to a place where I am viewing his life as an inspiration.

I would never have imagined that a grandson could become a role model for a grandfather, but the courage shown by Ben is causing that process to evolve. Not just the courage he displayed during those last awful months, but the vitality and the way in which he dealt with the challenges of his life. For me of advancing years, the strength of character displayed by a grandson is a source of inspiration for those challenges that might lie ahead.

Memories of Ben's energy were with me this week as I viewed the wreckage from a severe storm. A garden strewn with trees and branches, fences down under fallen trees means much hard work ahead. My thoughts went to Ben who would have seen the exercise as a challenge, and I imagined that I heard him say, "just get on with it Gumpa!"

As time has elapsed since his passing I am beginning to see Ben in the image of Jimminy Cricket, not just on my shoulder but on the shoulders of family and the many seeking strength in adversity. That image brings me a sense of comfort as his courage and energetic personality will continue to be with me, whereas if I allow my grief to be a burden, then I risk setting him in history.

The moral of this story is that,"you are never to old to learn", and that grandsons can become role models for grandfathers.

Ralph, ( aka.Gumpa).

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