Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Gone for good... from Chris

The deep aching pain rises up again as I realize he is gone for good. Like nausea rising from the stomach, it's a physical sensation that ends in tears and "Oh Ben... How can you be gone?" And I write it here because it helps me to share it with others who knew him and loved him.


Herman Yung said...

It's also beginning to hit me really hard that Ben won't ever be back in this world. Of course, I know he's in a much better place now and that I'll see him again one day, but it's weird to think that I won't be able to see his face again until then.

biscuit said...

Chris, while I can't begin to imagine your pain as a father.. I've also been feeling the loss of Ben in the pit of my stomach. I'm not sure sometimes if it's a physical or emotional response, though I think both are connected.. This life is very strange.

I hope your time in 'Coota was special. Thank you for continuing the blog. I don't think the saying 'a shared grief is halved' is true, but I think it makes it a tiny bit more bearable.

BRANDARA said...

I'm just a random Melbourne girl who was guided to this blog about 2 months ago. It's heartbreaking but so refreshingly real to read of such a beautiful young soul and how much he was adored and cherished by his family and friends.

I am often guided back to this blog every other day as I have never come across something so rich in human honesty and emotion. Reading every entry makes me feel like I am connected to the world and in some divine way also connected to Ben.

Chris, I have no idea who you and your family are, but this blog I'm sure affects more people than you could imagine. I'm sure all of us here in cyberspace would gladly offer to hold a little bit of your heart for you so that this aching pain isn't as heavy. Take care.

mmcallison said...

Gracias Chris. este blog tambien me ayuda... por favor no lo cierren todavia.

Unknown said...

Dear friends, thinking specially of you today, 8th Jan....a month since Ben's departure.....and I think a month already! it seems like yesterday he was still here.... how can time go by so quickly, how come everything didn't stop!!! if I feel this, I can't even imagine your feelings....
All of you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.....yesterday I passed by your house on San Martín street (by the way it's painted a brick/bordeaux colour!!)and remembered the times we spent together.....
Love to all, mercedes

Unknown said...

Cris...Toda partida es dura pero como cristianos debe consolarnos nuestra fe, que la muerte es el inicio del verdadero descanso, de la vida eterna al lado de nuestro Señor. Desde Tucuman segui paso a paso la enfermedad de Ben y a pesar de no estar en contacto con uds hace años los recuerdo con mucho cariño y son un maravilloso ejemplo de familia. Un abrazo a la distancia para toda la familia.
Luciana Pascolutti(amiga de Netel Cicka)

Silvina said...

..tan solo dejarte mis saludos.. cuando pienso en que quiza volvamos a vernos, y pienso que uno de ustedes no estará.. es tan extraño.. no se si pueda terminar de entenderlo un dia.. hoy lo noto irreal aun.. ayer pasé por la que fue su casa aqui en tucumán.. y no se bien si fue la panza, el pecho, el alma.. pero algo me apreto muy muy dentro.. un fuerte abrazo para ti y los tuyos!