Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Jokes - from LA

Can anyone guess what the blue things are called? Please let us know what you think. If you already know, sshh. Don’t tell anyone else. Apparently a coma doesn't stop nails from growing: Ben has ordered nail clippers tonight to deal with his long fingernails.

Yesterday as Ben was coming out of his sedated state he was cerebrally irritated. Noise of any type was intolerable. Lying on his back and with an oxygen mask over his face he called out loud and long: “No…….” He put his hand to his head in despair and said again “No! No jokes.”

I felt the small flicker of creative genius being snuffed out. Doubts crept in. Was this a reflection of Ben’s mental state or was it rather, a reflection on the quality of the jokes and the lack of talent in the joke teller? Despite my wounded ego life goes on and Ben is causing his own laughs today as he communicates with his brothers using the family salute.

In the next day or so they are hoping to move Ben back to 3W, his normal ward. Katrina from 3W visited Ben today (photo) and he told her that he would only go back if he could have a single room. Mmm...

(For the lawyers: all photo subjects have agreed to being blogstars.)


pam McConville said...

jmc says walrus tusks, pmc says elephant tusks, lmc says bug antennae, wmc says wild boar tusks and s mc says merv hughes moustache....... surely one of us is right! Meanwhile its great to see Benny back, saying what seb often says to his Dad who is usually the only one to laugh at his jokes !

jill said...

they're called elephant tusks, they hepl you retain CO2 and improve the blood pH.
they mean that Ben is getting better:)

Enrique Courtade said...

Hola amigaso,me maravilla ver toda tu fuerza de voluntad y tu energia(siempre fuiste así).Me acuerdo cuando nadando se te descolocaba el hombro y como si nada decias: "Ya vengo, voy a que me lo acomoden"
Metele garra Ben, si alguien tiene lo que hay que tener para salir de estos casos sos vos.
Un fuerte abrazo amigo, y ya sabés: no dejes de luchar porque si hay algo que te puede hacer salir de esto es la Fe.

biscuit said...

I know the name of the dark blue one, but not the light blue.. look like elephants trunks (!) Are they so he doesn't breathe out and then in carbon dioxide?! I'll have to do some research at work tomorrow!

Thanks for the updates and photos. Maybe you can still crack jokes in your head LA?!