Thursday, December 4, 2008

"I'll be fine."

This afternoon Richard and Rob, ministers from our church, visited Ben to pray with him. Although he’s been a bit confused he seemed to be on the ball for the time together and his humor and timing were impeccable.

Richard talked about the possibility of Ben dying and the firm Christian hope of being with God. Thinking about his own death, Ben said: “It will be crap for everyone else. I’ll be fine. I’m just worried about other people.”

I was teary at times and at one stage Ben slowly took off his oxygen mask and pushed it towards me. I thought he was confused and told him he needed to keep the mask on. He said: “You look like you need it.”

Richard talked again of facing death with faith and said, “This is where the rubber meets the road.” Ben replied slowly but without hesitation, “It’s just doing it really slowly.”

Before leaving Richard asked if Ben had anything else he wanted to say. Ben asked, “Is it wrong to discard the hope of getting better?” I think he was asking the question so many of us are asking as we live with the tension between praying for healing but also facing the reality of Ben’s possible death.

Richard read from the Bible, Romans chapter 8:

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. We groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as children, the redemption of our bodies ... We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose ... What, then, shall we say in response to this? ... Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ... For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Unknown said...

Bravo ben, your bravery and friends and faith. Thanks so much for so much. Pete.

Unknown said...

Dear Friends.........! Thanks for continuing to share such an important and difficult part of your family life/holy journey!
I suppose we all have to face the truth that we all have to go back to where we came from, some go sooner some later....I don't really know who is luckier!!.
Ben, if you get there before me I'll be sure to bother you with requests for help here on earth!!!
United in our strive to do His Will and to believe that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him", lots of love from Mercedes & kids.

J.A. said...

muchas gracias por postear todos los dias y mantenernos informados a todos los que amamos a ben... aca en casa lo primero que hacemos cuando nos despertamos es abrir el blog y checkear nueva inf. durante todo el dia esta abierto en caso de que actualicen algo.
creo que a todos nos vendrian bien unos minutos con la mascara de oxigeno... :P
estan en nuestros corazones siempre y en nuestras oraciones todos los dias,
un abrazo enorme..

Trace said...

Ben- your strong faith is such an encouragement. I trust that God will indeed raise you up with the very same power he used to raise Jesus from the dead!
Love and prayers
Yours sister in Christ
p.s. You can drum as loudly as you like!

Michael Collie said...

Hasta que estamos envueltos en el abrazo del Padre, no hay que resignarse nunca jamás. Gracias por permitirnos participar en tu lucha. God is up to something good. Miguelito

Ben's Got Cancer said...

Dice Javier:
Querida familia, gracias de veras por compartir con nosotros su vida en momentos como estos.
La actitud desprendida y valiente de Ben refleja el carácter de un hombre que fue criado cerca de Dios y contenido en una familia de amor. Algo difícil de encontrar en estos días.
Gracias querida familia por compartir estas señales concretas de esperanza. Estamos con ustedes.

Un gran abrazo

Javier from NZ

mmcallison said...

Ay! querido Ben,

Estoy muy orgullosa (pero no sorprendida) de vos, y sobre todo en estos ultimos meses. Por tu valor y perseverancia para luchar. Por tu sensibilidad y amor por los demas. Por tu confianza en el Senor.

Y tenes razon, es una m... Es muy desagradable verte sufrir y es aun mas detestable la idea de la muerte.
Lo unico que lo hace soportable, es este amor y poder de Dios, mostrado en Jesus, que a vos te hace mirar a la muerte sin miedo.

Aunque supongo que es excelente que quieras entregarte a los brazos del Senior, no puedo parar de llorar y pedir por un milagro.

Espero que tu dolor y molestias mejoren mucho y tengas tu propia habitacion...

Abrazos fuertes,

jill said...

and people are still selling and worried about the right face cream, tidyness, and botox. new life still happens from earth and from people. God is still at work; it is wise to prepare for the unknown but maybe okay to keep a space for hope,
while people are praying and Ben has breath. more unexpected things have happened

J.A. said...

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

No guilt of life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand

(In Christ Alone- Newsboys)

벤 화이팅!
fuerza ben!

Leoskater said...

Hi ben, well...if Tim can read this to him, the things its that see a old friend hurt like this its very painfull, it's been a long time since we was together here in Tuc, ARG. and i were wrighting e-mails each some time to the bros, Tim and Ben and when the time pass by and i get the Tim's e-mail telling all about Ben i dont know what to think or feel, my first felling was, i will try to call him to australia, or something like that, and at the first time, i couldnt open the blogspot page, coz Tim sent wrong the addres, so, i ask Luis, another friend of us and he gave me the good addres and i was shocked when i saw the blogspot, sorry for say this people, anyone who read this, but, i know Tim and Ben since i'm 14 y.o., and see my old friend like this, been at 14000 km from there its very painfull, i could give anything for can take his hand and say "Hi my old friend, u will be fine", but i cant, my eyes are full of tears, i feel so powerless, but...what more can i do?, i dont the money to take a fly and be there, sorry for say this, Tim, Ben sorry, its what i fell guys, i give all my support to u, and a strong hug to Ben, and say that i miss him, i miss laught with him, talk and say jokes, from here, all my energy to him, and i hope get well, ur friend, Leo.

Unknown said...

What was Richard's answer to Ben's question?