Thursday, December 4, 2008

And the winner is...

And the McC family wins the prize (see the comments on the previous post)... only 4 minutes ahead of Jill (well done Jill but sorry, you'll have to play again another time. And anyway: you're a nurse so you should have known!).

Yes, they are called tusks. And the prize? Chicken Townhouse of course: with banana, bread and butter. Enjoy!


Tim P said...

Can I please request that you post the recipe for Chicken Townhouse! I think lots of people want to share the joy!

Tim P

Katie said...

Please tell me that's not the same banana and the same plate of Chicken Townhouse???! This is reminding me painfully of my time in college, when the same dessert kept appearing - cake the first night, cake with a blob of cream the second night, cake with a blob of cream and a bit of fruit the third night, trifle the third night (but still with the pink icing)....