Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Time heals they say.
But time is also a river that sweeps us inexorably on,
Away from the past, from Ben.
We tumble through the rapids, bruised and battered,
Gasping at times for breath.
Longing for peaceful water left behind.
Can't we pause for a moment, or better, go back?
To savor the past and not to forget.


Karen said...

While being swept away from Ben you are also being swept closer to him once again.
You won't ever forget the things that matter and one day you will see him again, and you will all be whole and healed.

jill said...

it' so early,
still dark
still in the timeless moment
the heart races past the mind
it's too early
to forget
keep breathing
in and out
mention the memories
let comfort come,
we are all praying
for comfort