Monday, December 8, 2014

Six years

A friend wrote an email to us yesterday, knowing that the 8th of December was only a couple of days away.
Yesterday, I 'saw' Ben as a vibrant, healthy young man (i.e. no cancer causing in his body) and felt surprised that he wasn't around, wasn't getting on with his life amongst us. It was as if I forgot momentarily that he had those 6 months or so with cancer in his body. Then I remembered and suddenly felt a surge of anger at what happened 6 years ago. It seems so incomprehensible, so senseless that Ben died at 23. Everything in me wants to scream out that it's wrong, it shouldn't have been that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Six years since Ben left us, but the memories of him are as fresh and strong as ever. Our eldest grandson left an indelible impression on the minds of his Ma-ma and Gumpa.

What would he have thought of us to-day, as advancing years begin to take a toll? Would our fading memories lead him to say of us, what he once cheekily said of Maggie, (his paternal grandmother), “she is starting to write notes to herself.”

What would we have thought of him? Ben so full of energy and enthusiasm, drive and ambition, together with courage and confidence. Whatever he would have been doing, it would have been to a standard to make us proud. 

We hope that he is aware that memories of his energy and enthusiasm for life, are with us every day as we journey on.

Ma-ma and Gumpa