Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"No one wants to know what you ate for lunch"

'Lunch' on our Patagonia trip in 2005.

This week in Manningham library a book beside the photocopier caught my eye. It was about blogging and it proclaimed loudly (in red) on its front cover:

No one wants to know 
what you ate for lunch.

So I ask myself: How can Ben’s blog continue meaningfully without degenerating into something akin to stories about what Ben had for lunch?

Until I die, I will of course (as his mother) reflect gladly on all the lunches he ate; what he ate, how he ate them, what he said when he was eating them and who was with him at those meals.

But I also realise that the publicly interesting/funny stories about Ben are running out and that perhaps you don’t really want to know what he ate for lunch! More to the point, if this blog continues, I wonder if it shouldn’t be about more than just funny stories about Ben.

Do we stop? Do we have a shift of emphasis? If so, to what? What would Ben say from his side of the grave?


biscuit said...

That is a good question, the type I find myself pondering quite often. What would Ben be like? What would he like? Medicine? Mission? Ministry? Perhaps other things not beginning with 'M'..;-)

I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be a blogger (?!) But I think he may have read them.. but on what topics you would know better than me..

I will certainly keep checking and reading this one as long as it continues. It may sounds shallow, but there is some part of me that feels more connected to you and Ben and his memory in doing so. But if it doesn't continue, I suppose I will just have to find other (perhaps less virtual!) ways to do this. And that may not be a bad thing ;-)

Gordon Cheng said...

Hey guys,

I've appreciated what you've written and my view is, if you have something to say it, and if you don't, then don't.

Here's a link to a blog from a friend, you may or may not know him as he is a Melbourne man from our circles in the 1990s. He's a good example of someone who has something to say:


Sally said...

hey guys, i'm a little late in responding, nevertheless... keep writing for as long as you feel like it! xxx