Saturday, June 11, 2011

Midnight on the slopes

In 2005 a group of Ben and Tim's friends visited us in Tucumán to help with some building / cleaning up / repairing of the IXTUS student centre. They were a group of 7 who worked hard, laughed a lot and tried and experienced many new and sometimes challenging things. They finished their few weeks in Argentina with a couple of days at a ski resort close to Mendoza south of Buenos Aires. The snow was plentiful, the lifts empty and the weather perfect.

Laura writes:
On our last night we had some fireworks to let off. We went outside where everything was covered in snow. There was a flat space and then a steep icy hill up to another flat space. We all stumbled up to the higher bit and let off the fireworks and laughed and had good times.
When it came to going back inside…Steve was very nice to go and get me a toboggan to go down (I didn't want to go down the ice on my feet). It was so much fun on the toboggan and then everyone wanted a turn.
Tim and Ben ended up making a mound of snow as a jump and whizzing down the hill to take off on the jump and see how many of us they could leap over. Good times to watch and participate in! In this photo Ben is jumping over three of the group while three of us look on.

1 comment:

ZoeMarks said...

I clearly remember Bens comments this night in trying to convince me he wouldnt land on me and squish me if I lay down too... "Come on Shnoz... dont be such a pansy!" - I gave in... I may be laughing in this photo, but I was not laughing when I found myself next on the ground under bens skis.... good memories :)