Monday, April 16, 2012


I am always conscious when I haven’t written something on Ben’s blog that people may think this is a sign that Ben is not as much a part of our journeys now as he was.  I guess in one way that’s true. But only in one way.

It’s true in the sense that so many things have already been said. So many memories have already been shared. And so we ‘re-share’ and we ‘re-remember’. We won’t ever get sick of doing this—I just remembered that he called bobby pins ‘Bobsey Twins’. Things like that that are funny when we’re Sunday lunching together.

But for a blog perhaps it’s time to slow it right down and maybe that’s okay. I’m still trying to get used to that idea because it’s like another ‘ending’, another ‘finishing’, another proof that he really has gone—because yes we do still spend a lot of time thinking that it can’t really have happened and if we just keep waiting he will come back.

In life and speech we can re-say things. But on a blog it makes more sense to ‘re-share’ and ‘re-remember’ by simply scrolling back to what has already been said.  So if the entries to the blog are few and far between, know that this doesn’t mean that Ben has been relegated to the increasingly distant past. We at least, continue our life journeys very much with him at our side. We love to talk about him and think about him constantly—mostly with both laughter and tears.



Catherine said...

Hi lovely Lindy,

I've never commented on Bens blog but I thought seeing as though I check it every few days I maybe should!
I am sad that I never got to know Ben properly. I feel like I was only young when he was sick, and he was my sisters friend who I would joke around with ;) However, I feel as if I've gotten to know him better (or heard what kind of person he was) since he's been gone.. I sometimes think I wish I could know him as the person I am now.
But for someone who didn't know him very well, I check this blog so regularly just out of habit, and he comes up in my conversation so often. And I really like that.
He definitely has not been forgotten by anyone. And that shows the kind of person he was and the kind of family you are.

Miss you Ben.

Lots of love,

Catherine xxx

Matthias Gallé said...

The problem of blogs is that if it is not new it is not seen. Maybe you could periodically re-post some older post: it would be a way of sharing the re-remembering you talked about.

Anonymous said...

I just posted something on my own blog about not wanting to do something as a "goodbye" gesture because it'd somehow make it "real" - even though I know it's real.

And as I wrote/post that, I thought some people might find what I wrote strange. Then I read this post. And I feel - there would be people who can understand...

I've found great encouragement from your trust in God, as reflected in your posts. I found you and your posts encouraging because they are "real".

I still, even now, (and as I'm about to do again), share your blog with people (and the link to the funeral sermon) to brothers and sisters in Christ who are going through tough times.

Thankful to God for His work in and through Ben and his life, and thankful to God for you. And thank you for sharing your thoughts, your struggles and for giving others a chance to learn from and with you.

a pam said...

i don't know about anyone else but i sort of still 'need' it. may be selfish but.....