Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ecclesiastes 3:11

"He has set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  (NIV)

Happy Birthday Ben.


Grandparents reminiscing said...

Ben's Birthday today.

What an amazing gift you were to us, our first grandchild. The wonder and joy of gazing at this gorgeous tiny baby in his mothers arms cannot be expressed in words.

That tiny baby grew into a young man who made us so proud. A young man who left us with so many happy memories, that remain fresh in our minds every day, but with special meaning on birthdays.

Our love will continue to be with you always,

Ma-ma and Gumpa.

Rural Training Initiatives said...

Yes Happy Birthday Big Ben - mmmm - just looked up google (of course) to see if there was a song 'hurts so bad' - I had a melody loop going through my head but it is John Mellencamp (what a name really) and the song is Hurts so Good - doesn't fit as well - anyway it is still agony (probably a song titled that also) for us

Rural Training Initiatives said...

An I remember or just a comment - I remember acknowledging to myself that Ben had a well-managed "fear factor" - something that confronted many because some of us operate from a place of fear to make our decisions - Ben didn't appear to - so in many of my memories of Ben, if the camera had have been on me rather then on him, i would have been open-mouthed in awe and envy - my memories of a young boy just begging to be allowed to drive the race cars around the race track in Adelaide with Pete Ford, Chris and I; of a young man getting on the motorbikes and having a go, of stepping into the catteyards/sheepyards with courage - these memories for me are full of gratitude also- he show me how to reset the "fear factor"

glady_4 said...

If Ben had ever gotten Facebook I definitely would have posted a HB message on his wall. But alas, he didn't, and I can't, so this shall have to suffice. HB Ben! Wish you could have been at the celebration last week. Looking forward to the massive party in eternity! :) x