Thursday, July 28, 2011

Every tear is a waterfall

"Every tear is a waterfall" by Cold Play is out and is similar enough to "Viva la Vida" for me to connect it with Ben and to assume that Ben would have liked it.

Ben's music taste was unique to put it obliquely. He was however, particular. I remember a characteristic and constant lean to the left he seemed to adopt as the driver of any car; shoulder down, head not quite straight to the windscreen, as he pushed the radio station buttons looking for something good to listen to.

I feel confident that some of the latest Mylie, Katie, Rhianna style songs would have lent a certain kind of frenzied permanence to his driving lean and the punching of the radio buttons in between gear changes.

"Every tear is a waterfall" ... I think he would have paused to let it finish - they're not playing it much :-(

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