Monday, January 24, 2011

Summer 1991

A friend was going through some old mail and came across a letter from Lindy written just 20 years ago. It says in part:
Well in the Mulherin household we are counting down the days until Bennie begins school. We have purchased a few uniform bits and pieces and he's 'testing' them today - my how old I feel! I can still remember bits of 'prep' myself, which makes me feel a curious mixture of 'ancient' and 'young and silly'.
Quite apart from that is of course, the 'my baby's going to school' syndrome. It's all funny I guess but very real at this time. It's like suddenly seeing life through another window and knowing and realising that it is terribly, terribly short, the whole thing.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Great post, though I'm curious about the picture at the bottom, as I don't think it's from summer 1990 as Andy looks older than 1 month! :) But it's a nice picture nevertheless.