Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blogger bashing

The ABC blog of the Atheist Convention has generated lots of interest and some 500 comments in the last few days. Most of the comments are vigorously anti-theistic, some amount to blogger bashing. Maybe 5% or less are from believers of one sort or another. Most of the arguments are neither new nor terribly well thought through.

Why did I take it on? Firstly to help make the idea of debate credible, because some atheists would like it to be a non-debate along the lines of, 'there's no proof for God so there's nothing to discuss.'

Secondly, I wanted to try and offer a serious and orthodox Christian response, because many atheists seem to think that such people (serious and orthodox Christians) don't exist. 

Finally, I hoped to couch the language in terms of belief and commitment, because many atheists say they don't have beliefs (at least about the God question). On that last point I wrote a post called Credo which tacitly makes it clear that atheists too have their set of beliefs.

The blog will go for another week or so...

1 comment:

Kayechen said...

I just read some of your blog on the Atheist Convention. Good stuff- it's good to read intelligent coherent Christian comment on these issues in this context. Thanks for that.

I have followed this blog re Ben since near the beginning and really admire you and Lindy for your faith and strength, and yet vulnerability and humanness, through the last 2 years. Very deep and enriching to the spirit. May God continue to strengthen and bless you as you go on with your life without Ben.
